CorelDraw Addons Templates for Visual Studio
CSharp, VisualBasic, JavaScript Addons Projects Templates for CorelDraw X7 or heigher, CorelDraw is trademaker from Corel Corporation
CSharp, VisualBasic, JavaScript Addons Projects Templates for CorelDraw X7 or heigher, CorelDraw is trademaker from Corel Corporation
CSharp, Visual Basic, JavaScript(not work yet) Project Template for create custom CorelDRAW X7 or heigher Addons. Create a new empty docker, or a CustomTool, or a Simple Button controls, this template will prepare the files AppUI and UserUI, write the requireds GUID and configure CorelDRAW exe path and class name and namespace, add copy files commands in debug for fast debuggin, all require files for run yours custom Addon in coreldraw will been copied to Addons folder, add references to VGCore, and configure CorelDRAW exe path for debug, starting this template you have a ready Addon, just start and see.
Visual Studio need privilege to copy Addon files to Addons path, maybe you need run as Adminstrator.
This template requires CorelDRAW X7 or heigher be installed on the system that the project is created on.
Basic Draw exemple
in [Github code demo](
Getting Started Demo
Demo - Convert your VSTA Macro to Command Button in Standard Bar
Demo - Setting images from Resouce
For more information on extending functionality to the CorelDRAW, Corel DESIGNER or Corel PHOTO-PAINT please see the online [SDK documentation](
CorelDRAW is trademaker from Corel Corporation